My day really got going with lunch at Su's Mongolian BBQ..
Lately I have been going through my tools, my studio, my gear, with an eye toward organizing it and reducing it.
I have a fairly good toolbox, it's one of the 5 foot high multi-drawed thing from Lowes or where ever. It's stuffed to the gills. I have a lot of tools. Auto tool, sculpture tools, woodworking tools. The list goes on. I have a lot of interests and I am exceptional;l fond of tools.
It's all a burden really.
My wood working lately has moved away from machines, primarily because I dislike the noise they make. So many years in shops has damaged my hearing. I have more time now. I prefer to work by hand. Saws, planes. Labor. Slow, methodical effort. It takes skill and patience to do these things well
by hand.
Inspired by a book on Japanese Woodworking Tools by Toshio Odate, I set out to extract my wood working tools from the the big tool box and build them a nice Japanese styled home.

The box full of tools.
And with the Planing Bench.
So it was a good day.