Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Date: 14 March 2006
Mileage: 8.5
Mileage for March: 105.3
Weather: Sunny and 66° F.
Average: 12.9

Ok -- So I squeezed in a little ride just before total darkness. I have a ways to go if I am going to keep up with all these girls. Gilby 135.5 miles since Friday. Jill 138.2 for March and Annie 251.88 in the last four days. Holy guacamole. But then again -- who's counting.

I better get to work if I am going to be in racing riding shape by May 21. I need to build a faster bike, get better shoes, file my taxes, and set my butt into the saddle a lot more often. Rumour has it that those are real hills out there in coastal California (unlike these wimpy mountains out here in AZ) and that I might actually need to use the lower gears. Here's the route map and ride profile. Any one else notice how steep that looks? It's going to take quite a bit of gatorade to get up that, twice.

Extra nice bike guy fixed up my broken cassette by replacing the cassettte hub with a 9 speed one and spacing my seven cogs to fit in. He suggested I might need a pair of bike shorts for a 75 mile ride -- and that the shorts might make quite a difference. I was thinking that a flip flop hub with coasters and no derailers might make a big difference too (this is where my buddy Foster suggests I will probably want all those gears). Strip off the rack and the lights and change the tires to road tires -- change the steel bars to aluminum down bars and go. I should really do all this to a different frame -- since this one isn't really suitable.

I suppose I could just give about a grand to the organization and stay home. That wouldn't be as much fun, though.

I am a commuter, what kind of biker are you?

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