Friday, March 7, 2014

Arrive in Kunming

Fly to Kunming

Windows 7 Sucks ... I Am Sure Windows Nine will Make the Rest of My Hardware Obsolete

Windows you blow.  I am never going to buy another product of yours, ever.  I grabbed a sweet new laptop to take to China and assumed (stupidly, I could add) that my current memory card reader would work.  It doesn’t.  Why not? Total mystery.  Then, I transferred a truckload of data to a new memory stick  bought in China … can Windoze 3.1 recognize it … probably.  Windows 7, no. 

So from now on.  I will only buy Macs.  You totally screwed my plan.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Southern China Day1.

It's currently the fifth of March 2014 and I am in a suburb of Guangzhou, China,and it's late in the day.  Today actually stated at 5 AM on the west coast of California, Monday March 3, when I woke up.  I went to work finalize some things and got on a plane at 11:10 that night, there was a one hour delay taking off from SFO, which caused a lot of sweat 16 time zones away, when we had to run through the Honng Kong terminal to make our connecting flight to Guangzhou. 

Right now it is 5 AM Wednesday, on the West coast, so I have been awake for 48 hours. 

Included in today was an awesome lunch of mostly noodles and some pork, winter melon, along other awesome flavors, a trip to a farm which raised a variety of pets, including mice, guinea pigs and goldfish.  There were Chinese cymbidiums and an award winning flock of homing pigeons.  After that there was a birthday party for my girlfriend's 92 year old mother, which was a lot of fun. 

For now, I am off to bed.  Apparently, I am not going to be able to upload pictures taken in China on my Iphone to blogger. 


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Mysteries of Asia Unlocked -- Gloria's Hot and Sour Soup

Tonight Smiley made hot and sour soup, which I was told, contains hundreds of ingredients and takes hours to make.

Not true, apparently.   

You will need:

1/4 c. dried black fungus
1/4 c. dried daylilies
100g package of preserved vegetables 
4 T. cornstarch 
4 T. water
3 cups water 
1 12 oz can of chicken stock 
1 lb of lean pork
1 ordinary package of supreme soft tofu
1 egg
4 tablespoons Chili sauce
60 ml of vinegar.
Salt to taste
Fine black pepper to taste

Soak a handful of Black Fungus and a handful (about1/4 cup) of dried Daylilies (many restaurants would use bamboo shoots)  in water for a while to soften and start a large pot containing 2-3 cups of water and a can of chicken stock to boiling.   Take about 1 lb of Pork and cut into strip about 1/2" by 2" Add a slurry of 2 T. cornstarch and 2 T. water and set aside.  Mix 2 T. of cornstarch with 2 T. of water and set aside.  

Cut the tofu into strips about 1/4-1/2 by the length of the cube.  Scramble the egg.   Strain the fungus and day lilies and add to the boiling liquid.  Add the pork, the preserved vegetables and the tofu. Add Some of the cornstarch mixture to thicken. judge the thickness based on your history of eating hot and sour soup.  Add the vinegar and the chili sauce. Salt and pepper to rase. Add the egg by stirring and drizzling it around in the soup 

 Serves 6-8.   Enjoy