Saturday, February 4, 2006

Google Saturday Morning Coffee

I took a ride to practice getting the morning coffee.

Date: Feb. 4
Mileage: 19
February mileage: 22.2
Temperature on departure: 60

That's right -- I am contemplating riding 8.5 miles in to get the morning cup at the cafe of the beautiful people. I need a rack I suppose so I can carry the newspaper home, and cart my camera around.

Where I went to school, at the College of Arts and Letters, we put two spaces after a period, unlike Google's blogger, which for some reason thinks that it's wiser to strip them down to one. They are very smart over there, so they must know better than I. Another possibilty is that they think they are doing me a favor. I'm very happy that they haven't decided to edit any of the other characters in my text.

Does a <pre> tag help.  Look, it does.  And in a most
attractive way, too.

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