We had Lunch at Sally's at 16th and RhodeIsland in San Francisco.

Pasta with chicken and a cream sauce, and pasta on the side. Eat up.

After lunch we walked over to 18th to use the foot bridge over the freeway to get back to work. This climb up 18th at DeHaro street is well over an 18% grade.
camera phones are so disapointing.
i have a treo and it's awful.
I am so much a curmudgeon about the camera phones -- when I worked for Boeing -- I couldn't have a camera on my phone, and that meant I couldn't have a decent phone. The Nokia N93 has a 2Mpixel phone with Zeiss optics. But it's a clunky beast, and not much of a camera.
Yes -- it seems even at best they are disappointing.
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