Well, I've been over to the new Cafe of the Beautiful People, for my standard "Tall Coffee with 2 extra shots." In Pullman, WA at the Cafe of the Beautiful, everyone was college aged and the Barista gave out heart shaped love on valentine's day. In Mesa AZ, every one was wearing athletic wear, or race gear, all fit and healthy, and i.e. beautiful. Here in Bahgdad by the Bay (thanks Herb), it's much more interesting. There always is a crowd, and today's crowd was mostly pre-teen girls wearing make-up. There must be a school-sized event over at the Performing Arts Center.
But it is Saturday Morning. Last time I sat down on Saturday morning to write I was sitting at my desk in Mesa, Staring out at the Superstition Wilderness. Today, I am at my desk in California, reviewing the past.
Here's another shot from America's Loneliest Highway.
Cafe of Beautiful People...I don't think there is a cafe here that could be classified as that. Maybe Cafe of the Carharts and Baseball Caps (men and women). They may be beautiful under it all, but they blend in together when in groups of more than 2.
Alaska's people are "unique" :)
That is a GORGEOUS shot!
Thank you eclectchick!
The Cafe of the Beautiful People got named in Mesa, because one of the cafes was filled with carhardts and baseball caps, and just a mile or so away was another cafe filled with running shoes, shorts, paint by number hair, Ferraris and Mazeratis. It was such an absurd difference that there was no way to not notice.
San Francisco's people are unique, too. Maybe in a different way, however.
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