Saturday, April 22, 2006

It's Really About the Food

I love that I can eat. Unchecked eating; because I need the carbs, the fuel. I had breakfast with my folks this morning -- some eggy omelet with vienna sausage which could remind me of scrapple. With potatoes. Then I put off lunch -- repeatedly dreaming of a great huge burrito at La Cumbre. Then I had dinner at about 6 with my parents. Big meatloaf and baked potato. I used to do this when I was a kid. Have dinner at home with Bruce Williams, and then go to his house and have dinner. Right after dinner with my parents, I had sushi with Jane at Tomokazu. Finished with green tea ice cream.

I love to eat like this. I am sorry I don't have any before and after pictures like the S.S. blog. Maybe tomorrow.


I changed out my 12-23 rear cassette for a 12-27, which shouldn't make me a wuss.

Date: 21 April 2006
Miles: 3.1
April Mileage: 248.76
Weather: 63° F. Clear and Undesertly.


Miso soup.

This is a Shannon roll and the tuna tatake.



Raj filling up.

Baked Salmon Roll.

So I didn't ride yesterday afternoon -- I just ate. And ate.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Parrot Drive

Date: 21 April 2006
Miles: 11.31
Average Today: 11.2
April Mileage: 245.66
Weather: 63° F. Overcast. Moist.

Ok -- so this road is steep. I had to get off and walk. First though I went out for Coffee with my pals at Bean Street Cafe. I got some homemade banana bread which is giving my heartburn. It felt good to be home and the weather was not rainy, but damply marine like and very undesertly.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sushi Run

I am going to take the camera out to dinner. I am so looking foward to the tuna tatake and Vic's seriously rich baked salmon roll. I am going to eat lunch and dinner with them.

After that I think I will be going out for Japanese food. I should go to Benihana then and have some Teppanyaki. Ahhh -- to be in a real city. I think I am going for a traditional Japanese bath and a shiatsu massage at the Kabuki. Life could be worse.

I really miss the miso soup and the green tea ice cream. Or better yet some mango ice cream.

Who has seen the movie Tampopo? Here's a different review.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I went to the Gym

Oh -- and I did ride

6.6 miles on a bike.

I have never actually gone to a gym by myself to work out until now. I resisted any temptation to get on a "bike" at the gym. I went about a "mile" on that machine that is like running and skiing without all the pounding and falling. 10.5 minutes. Plus climbing at max resistance for another 10 or so. I stood on the treadmill for a minute or two and then felt old and decided that maybe the next time I get on a treadmill someone should test my heart (like when I am actually old, and the person watching/testing could be a heart specialist).

I am thinking of these two different bartenders I have met -- one is J -- who runs three miles a day on a treadmill, and the other is, Carmine, who runs a marathon for kicks. J wants to start training for a triathalon, to which I say, maybe it's a good time to move the exercising outside. Carmine doesn't seem to actually train. At any rate -- I didn't find the treadmill too attractive.

So, I did some weights for the hamstrings and upper body, and about 100 sit-ups. And now I am doing some curls. I did some hammer curls, followed by some bicep curls, and some reverse curls, followed by some twelve ounce curls (just kidding). I am working on a philosophy to help develop speed and strength, so that I won't ever have to get passed by a grrl in a dress.

In no time at all I will be posting from California, after some hill climbing, and lunch at Alice's Restaurant ("You can get anything you ...," Thanks Arlo -- now would you please try to stop talking.) or maybe have green chili soup at Duarte's ... or both!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Oh look

"Joan Wilder, Write us out of this one." "Joan Wilder? The Joan Wilder? You are Joan Wilder, the novelist?" "Yes, I am." "I read your books ..."

Jack Colter: "Joan Wilder, Write us out of this one."
Juan: "Joan Wilder? The Joan Wilder? You are Joan Wilder, the novelist?"
Joan Wilder: "Yes, I am"
Juan: "I read your books ... "

... I finished my taxes. Now I pay through the nose and well. Maybe buy some some new stuff so I feel better.

I am sure they will audit me and I will have made some huge snafu. I only screamed at the cat once. Just now. If it totally blows out -- look for me in South America.

It was a great movie:
[Jack shows off his new, crocodile skin, boots, made from the crocodile he
has killed]
Joan Wilder: I like the boots.
Jack Colton: Yeah, that poor old yellow-tailed guy... developed a fatal case of indigestion. He died right in my arms.
Joan Wilder: I can't blame him. If I were to die there's nowhere on earth I'd rather be.

That's pretty sick, but -- it is like I've died and gone to heaven. I have paid my taxes, and I am free.

Desert Bloom Report

Date: 16 April 2006
Miles: 13.47
Average Today: 14.3
April Mileage: 227.86
Weather: 77° F., Still Dusty.

Roadie with the Palo Verde Trees and blooming Hedgehog cactus

Santa Rita Prickly Pear (Opuntia violacea) is a native of the Chihuahuan desert. This one has something growing on it.


Echinocereus fendleri, or Fendler's hedgehog Cactus, is a local native.

Opuntia acanthocarpa, or Buck thorn cholla. I could be mistaken though.


All images are © Shawn Kielty 2006. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

My 1st Century

I'll be riding this route. It ain't easy, but it is 100 miles -- and it is May 7. Wish me luck. Here's the page if you need to contribute. Go team.

The Good Stuff

I really enjoy cruising the photo albums at R.A. Dillon's blog, An Alaskan Abroad. I found this because I have a secret plan that says I am going to escape from Arizona, and go to that other great "A" state. When I was younger I decided that I would go to all the 50 states, I have just a few remaining now -- and Alaska is really next on my list. His post today showing the cool places (Where the Wild Things Are) to go in Alaska reminds me I am supposed to be going there.

Dillon's posts are informative, and pointed, and challenge me to be less apolitical. I hope you find them pleasant as well, or ... uh ... at least enjoy looking at the photos. Nice work, dude!

Tax day blues ...

Date: 15 April 2006
Miles: 13.04
Average Today: 15.4
April Mileage: 214.39
Weather: 78° F., Dusty.

Can one deduct the miles on the bike? If it's for a business purpose?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Don't Forget to Ride

... and ride.

Date: 14 April 2006
Miles: 10.30
Average Today: 12.6
April Mileage: 201.35
Weather: 89° F., overcast, windy.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Beer Can Stadium

If this picture looks like it sucks to you -- that's because it does. Shooting photos while driving ... tsk tsk tsk. Any way, it would be hard for me to make this thing any uglier than it actually is, but it seems I have succeeded. The old bag and I saw this big can during our ride out in the west valley Saturday.

It is an Air Conditioned stadium, I hear. And they roll the grass outside to get some sun. It's a little crazy out here with the A/C and the grass. It's not just here that people can get weird about their grass.

... and ride.

Date: 13 April 2006
Miles: 15.96
Average Today: 13.8
April Mileage: 191.05
Weather: 90° F., overcast.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Pick of the Week

There are moments in the past when I have had a thing I like to call the pick of the week. It is my favorite image of the week.

Per Volquartz will be honored with a solo retrospective exhibition from June 1 to September 30, 2007 at Denmark's Museum of Photography in Denmark. This is a tremendous acheivement and Per deserves it! Per is constantly an inspiration to his peers, students, and proteges and has done a great deal to further the beauty and community of photography.

I remember once when Per sent me a note saying that my images of Mono Lake after a Snowstorm caused him to uhh-hmm ... "wet his pants," and I was astounded, because never had someone so talented paid me so high a compliment. I will never forget that.

Here's the pick of the week.

Copyright Per Volquartz 2006. All rights reserved.
Copyright Per Volquartz 2006. All rights reserved.

Congrats to Per!


Date: 12 April 2006 P.M
Miles: 10.o8

Date: 12 April 2006
Miles Today: 19.90
Average Today: 14.3
April Mileage: 175.09
Weather: 93° F., clear, and sweaty.

The record for this date is 99° F. Temps are climbing. Hydrate.

Street Sweeper Cool. A.M.

Date: 12 April 2006 A.M.
Miles This Morning: 9.72
Average: 16.5
April Mileage: 165.01
Weather: 71 clear, and clean, and swept.

As John suggested, let's not count in metric kilometer things. City of Mesa ran a street sweeper on the rough spots of my route at my suggestion. Roadie was happy, but nevertheless, I did still manage to hit some large debris.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Today's Little Ride

Ok -- So I am a little confused. Is it ok to ride my bike over to Basha's (the nearest grocery store) and lock it up to buy groceries, or not? If it's an ATV it seems it is ok. If it's not ok I bet they don't mind at Safeway.

If it isn't, then why do we have this rack right in front of the sign? Am I the only one confused about this?

I wonder if they'll get upset if I ride my bike right in the freakin' door (which is what I want to do) and fill my panniers with groceries to buy? Is it ok for me to walk into the store?

Todays ride was just 8 miles. and that's a guess.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

The Hackberry Springs Hike

My faithful nemesis continues to destroy my body. Even a week later. The Superstition Wilderness. Each time I enter I come out in pain. I don't get it. The Hackberry Springs loop is a beautiful hike. It's 5-6 miles, fairly level, nice. I just don't get it, do I have some bad juju there or what? Several of my recent hikes have ended with some pain.

Moon Rise over Siphon Draw. Digital Photograph. Copyright 2005 Shawn Kielty. All rights reserved.

In November I went in to the Superstition Ridgeline hike. Since this hike is often compared to a rim-to-rim hike of the grand canyon (it isn't), I'm not surprised that I was more than a bit sore after that hike. It's about 11-12 miles with a mile vertical ascent. It hurt. It still hurts.

Saturday November 12, 2005, I am standing near the top of Superstition Mountain. Photo © Dale Perry 2005. All rights reserved.

On the Hackberry Springs loop there is a mine shaft that goes back a 100 ft. of so. There is the spring itself and water. Pools and running water ... these things are indeed rare in the Superstition Wilderness.

Elephant Arch in the Superstition Wilderness, near Hackberry Springs. © 2005 Shawn Kielty. All rights reserved.

There is the Elephant Arch -- named by my ever happy hiking pal. It's a good hike.

If you asked where the Superstition Wilderness is -- I'd say right out the window, right near my house. Stop by and I'll take you there.

It's full of hoodoos and goblins.

What this post doesn't do -- is show the blooming cactus (there were none last week) or show you the endless teddybear cholla forests, where alledgedly the lost dutchmans gold is hidden. Or a single saguaro. or even hint at an ocotillo, the best of which are all abloom here on the floor of the Valley of the Sun.