Thursday, April 13, 2006

Beer Can Stadium

If this picture looks like it sucks to you -- that's because it does. Shooting photos while driving ... tsk tsk tsk. Any way, it would be hard for me to make this thing any uglier than it actually is, but it seems I have succeeded. The old bag and I saw this big can during our ride out in the west valley Saturday.

It is an Air Conditioned stadium, I hear. And they roll the grass outside to get some sun. It's a little crazy out here with the A/C and the grass. It's not just here that people can get weird about their grass.


John said...

See, in winter, we roll out the ice to get cold. Actually, that's a lie. We actually (this is true) heat under the ice to prevent the ground from heaving under the ice rinks. One heating system broke, and now the ice is 18" in one place, 6" in another. It's still flat on top. So we can play hockey.

shawnkielty said...

Dear god, please save me. We are all a bit touched out here at the edges of temperature. If you leave the grass out too long -- it will get fried.

The Donut Guy said...

You and TOB know each other?

That's pretty cool.

Yeah, that *is* one butt-ugly stadium. I live 50 miles outside of Baltimore........home of Camden Yards.

One of the most beautiful stadiums ever built.

shawnkielty said...

I cut my teeth at Candlestick. Which is a torture chamber. the croix de candlestick, yeta, yeta, yeta.

Yes, TOB invited me to join her for a ride while she was visiting the west valley. I think I met these folks on the ride too. She's cool and it was a delight.