Until you catch that loop on the mirror of a car. Fortunately, the loop would catch on the mirror of a parked car, because it's on the right side of the bag, and I am in America. Should you shoulder the bag with the opening side toward your body, it could get caught by the mirror of a passing car, assuring disaster. When I was riding in the wide open streets of Mesa -- this was likely not a problem. In San Francisco, however, where I might actually touch moving vehicles - or squeeze tightly between them, or they squeeze tight between me, this is a real serious life threatening risk.
So -- let's fix this. First -- flip the attachment point of the strap around and re-attach, then thread it back through it self to make sure it stays put. Open the clamp and take all the slack material out of the loop in the strap and flatten it against the bag -- then secure the clamp against the strap. If you don't know how this works throw the bag away. Just kidding.

Find a 2 inch Travato or similar buckle and cut the strap at a point below your shirt pocket and insert the buckle. Adjust it accordingly.

If you want you can also apply the same logic to the crappy waist strap that comes with the bag and increase it to 1 1/2 inches.

Always be safe -- and think ahead to stay alive.
You're to skinny-you need some donuts:-)
Be safe.
I take it you got scooped off the bike? Ouch! Good ideas here by the way! You should send feedback directly to the manufacturer.
Dang, that sounds scary! I dig the modifications.
It takes a special combination of circumstances to manage to catch that loop on something, since my bars are quite wide. I.e. Skinny rider, small mirror, heavy traffic, finagling between cars, then standing up.
Fortunately I was at a stop when I managed to catch the bag loop on a mirror.
Shawn, I tried to send this to your email address, but I got a funny bounce message about mail relays not being allowed:
Shawn, awesome! I was wondering if I had any blogging buds in SF. For some reason I thought you were in Arizona. Weird. I'd love to get together. I just started at this job and don't really know how things work. Let's play it by ear and see what kind of free time I end up with. I don't know if lunch is going to work but hopefully something after work at some point.
I feel your pain! I did something like that while negotiating a narrow spot and riding on the sidewalk (I know I know) -- my messenger bag caught on a pole and down I went.
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